
Over the past 30 years, Russian agriculture has made a difficult, tortuous and unpredictable path of transition to market relations. In the 1990s, the industry was treated as a «black hole», and in the 20s of the XXI century - already as a driver of the domestic economy. Thus, by the end of 2022, the growth of the national volume of agricultural production amounted to 10.2%. To date, two main forms of agricultural producers have developed in agricultural production: large agribusiness, represented by agricultural holdings and large private farms forming a high-tech sector of the agricultural economy, and small and medium-sized agricultural and non-agricultural business, represented by the most active part of small agricultural entrepreneurship in the face of peasant (farmer) farms, commodity farmsteads (personal subsidiary and other individual family farms), rural cooperatives and consumer societies, horticultural, gardening and dacha partnerships, individual entrepreneurs belonging to the subjects of rural local economy. The article deals with the problems of the influence of these two forms of agricultural producers on the preservation and development of rural lifestyle and rural demography. The role of subjects of rural local economy in performing an important function of social control over rural territories is shown.

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