
The article presents the summarized results of the original system morpho-functional and morpho-ecological research of muscles of the bipedaly locomotion apparatus of birds, in particular of number Anseriformes, type swans. For the first time it is provides a detailed design of comparative anatomy of birds pelvic limbs, accompanied by unique historical overview and covers more than two-thousand-year period. It was hold the analysis of some significant morphological structures, that gives a key to the reconstruction of the adaptive evolution of any group of birds. Also it is described biomorphological features of hip joint`s muscles of the genus swans. It was found that representatives of the given number have a degree of differentiation of hip joint`s muscles, caused by walking type of bipedaly locomotion and biomorphological features of static, which in turn imposes certain imprints on the degree of development of each muscle of the hip joint. What is biomorphology as a separate line of morphology? This is the synthesis of ecology and morphology of different taxonomic groups of birds, since each type has its own ecological niche, outside which it can not exist. Nowdays scientist are interested in the current issues, concering inter-specific features of static and locomotion of various species of birds. Each single species of birds is unique by its anatomical components, arising from their adaptation to life in different environments and functional load of the body weight, what is confirmed by our study. Birds are well adapted to the different conditions of existence: to live in swamps, aquatic life in air, in forests and thickets, on plains and rocks. Modern biomorphology studies not only morphological features of the body structure, in this case of birds, but the habitat that could affect on the differences of the various organs. For example, many birds use air as a travel medium and as a medium of food production, and spend most of the day in flight. They have the most developed aircraft. Some birds use water as habitat and food production, and also have suitable adaptations, that have evolved in two directions: adaptation of wings and adaptation of legs.


  • Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z

  • Minskij gosudarstvennyj medicinskij universitet «Dostizhenija i innovacii v sovremennoj morfologii»

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Незважаючи на значні досягнення як вітчизняних, так і зарубіжних дослідників в області морфології хребетних тварин, багато питань, пов’язаних з розробкою видової і породної анатомії птахів, донині залишаються невивченими. Особливо це стосується м’язової системи птахів і, зокрема, ділянки тазостегнового суглоба (Druz' and Mel'nik, 2016). Тому великий науковий інтерес становить вивчення її топографії та щільного взаємозв’язку між формою, структурою і функціями м’язово-скелетної системи (Melnyk et al, 2012; Melnyk and Druz, 2015). Дослідження проводилися на базі кафедри анатомії та гістології тварин ім. Україна) на фіксованих 10% розчином формаліну трупах представників роду лебеді

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