
The study aims to identify the potential of the phraseological units with the LAZINESS concept in the Kabardian language in comparison with the Russian language, i.e. to determine the main similarities and differences in the ways of formation and functioning of the phraseological units. The scientific novelty of the study lies in carrying out a detailed analysis of the Russian and Kabardian phraseological material with the meaning of “laziness”, since special research on this topic has not been conducted in Adyghe studies before. The paper is the first to establish that the phraseological units denoting human laziness are formed on the basis of imagery with the participation of somatic vocabulary, names of animals, birds, various objects, with the use of such means of speech expression as metaphor and metonymy. The results showed that a significant number of phraseological units similar in meaning and in the speech means used are found in the compared languages. Moreover, some of them may be absolutely identical both in vocabulary and in the construction of phrases. It was proved that phraseological units do not denote, but depict circumstances of reality, that imagery is manifested not in the representation of an individual subject, but of the entire situation as a whole.

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