
The article is devoted to the study ofM.A. Osorgin's understanding and comprehension of the problem of terrorism in the Russian liberation movement of the early 20th century on the material of the novel «Witness of History»; consideration of the image of the main character of the novel Natasha Kalymova and the evolution of her understanding of the problem of freedom; the study of the artistic expression of the idea of denying terrorism as an inhuman means of solving social and political problems. The relevance of the work is determined both by the subject of study itself (the phenomenon of freedom), which generates the alleged plurality of meanings and reflections, and by the search for new aspects of the study of the artistic space of the prose of the first wave of Russian emigration, the experience of solving the problem of freedom in Russian socio-political and literary thought of the early 20th century. The study is based on an integrated approach, including the use of historical-literary, biographical, cultural-historical, descriptive-analytical methods. It was established that M.A. Osorgin, well aware of the history of revolutionary terrorism in the Russian Empire and the fate of the prototypes of the heroes of his novel, rethought their life stories in accordance with his artistic goals. The evolution of the consciousness of the main character, her understanding of the phenomenon offreedom was studied and described. It was shown that the position of the author-narrator is convincingly expressed in the plot and compositional organization of the work, in the dynamics of circumstances, characters, searches of heroes and actualizes the axiological aspect of the perception of a literary text. It was proved that the novel clearly expresses the denial of both terror and violence, which bring neither solutions to social problems, nor personal happiness, and terrorism as an ideology.

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