
The article presents a developed techno-logy of forming the future economists’ readiness to counteract risks in their professional activities by means of electronic educational resources, which allows modelling the process of professional training and choosing forms and methods of training that will ensure the desired result. The functions, methodological approaches, and principles of designing the technology have been determined. The article highlights the pedagogical conditions for the successful formation of future economists’ readiness to counteract risks in their professional activities, namely: forming a responsible attitude of future economists to their professional activities through the development of positive motivation and a value orientations system; improving forms, methods, and means of formation of future economists’ readiness to counteract risks in their professional activities; stimulating the reflexive activity of future economists at each stage of the process of formation of the readiness to counteract risks in their professional activities. The two stages of the content-procedural block of the developed technology have been revealed: the preparatory stage, which involves the development of educational and methodical support for the technology, and the activity stage, during which a direct implementation for relevant electronic educational resources (e-course and the training) into the educational process of training students is being made. The forming levels of the future economists’ readiness to counteract risks in their professional activities have been determined: high, medium, and low.

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