
The article is devoted to the study of author’s individual style from the point of view of linguocultural conceptology, which combines linguocultural and cognitive approaches in order to study the features of the author's way of verbalizing socially important concepts. The material of the works of the famous Chilean writer Isabel Allende has been alkalized to illustrate lexical and semantic features of her individual style, reflecting the social and historical realities through the author's worldview. The methods of linguocultural science and cognitive conceptual linguistics have been combined in the research, helping to realize the correspondence of objective and subjective worldview in the individual author's style. The article deals with the differences between the linguistics terms "linguistic personality", "individual style" and "idiolect" and scientific approaches to their study. It is determined that the peculiarities of I. Allende's novels are the use of a considerable number of lexical units for the designation of geographical, biological and everyday realities, reflecting the specifics of the people’s life. The description of spiritual, philosophical and religious concepts through the use of expressively and value-colored vocabulary reflects deeply the peculiarities of the people's worldview. In the course of the semantic-cognitive analysis of the lexical units inherent in the writer’s works, it has been found out that the individual author’s world view does not in any way harm the reproduction of the common national and cultural people’s heritage, since the author is a carrier of a common conceptual sphere, formed in his consciousness due to the society where he/she lives. The verbalization of socially significant concepts in the writer’s novels is determined by her moral, ethical and value attitudes inherent in most members of the society.

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