
The biodiversity has vitally an important value for support of ecological processes and presently examined as a basic parameter, that characterizes the state of the ecological systems. Destruction ecosystems carries a threat not only for animals and plants that is included in their composition but also for a man. It is related to that ecosystems provide humanity ecosystem services. There are  food, fresh water, clean air,  energy,  medical raw material,  possibilities for rest and others. The key component of the global strategy for biovariety conservation is creation of nature protection areas. Nowadays, their total area is almost 12% of the earth's surface, Creation of naturally-guard areas is a method of guard of wild kinds and their places of existence by access and use of certain territories control. However, quantitative estimations of positive ecological influence such of areas on the state of biodiversity are not enough for today. Scientific studies have shown that the rate of loss of natural biodiversity is reduced in protected areas. But according to other sources, such a strategy for the conservation of biodiversity is not effective enough. World Wildlife Experts (WWF) have suggested using an Index of planet (IP), an indicator of global biodiversity, which has gained wide-ranging practical use, to monitor the state of biodiversity. The planet index is based on estimates of the sizes of populations of individual wild species, the information of which is reflected in the scientific literature. The index is calculated as a percentage (shares) of the estimated value of the population at the time of the start of monitoring. Before we started our research in Ukraine the Index of planet for monitoring environmental performance environmental activities were not applied. The purpose of the work was to analyze the effectiveness of environmental measures on the example of Chernihiv region in terms of the index The research was conducted in the Chernihiv region of Ukraine from 1992 to 2017. The protected areas and objects are included in the regional ecological network of the Chernihiv region, which are being developed in accordance with the Program of formation of the national ecological network in the Chernihiv region.  As of 01.01.2014, the regional ecological network covers an area of 1817.4 thousand hectares, representing 57% of the total area of the oblast.  At the same time, the area of the constituent elements of the regional ecological network, which has been granted the status of objects of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine, accounts for 14% of the total area of the environmental protection system. Hunting and economic activities are spent on almost 90% of the territory of the region.  The group of hunting teriophane in the region is represented by the populations of the following species of the teriophane: gray wolf (Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758), noble deer (Cervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758), European moose (Alces alces Linnaeus, 1758), European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus Linnaeus, 1758)  wild boar (Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758), raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides Gray, 1834), common fox (Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus, 1758), rabbit gray (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778). The populations were determined by the classical recommended method of noise projection in the test sites, which cover from 20 to 30% of the area of the biotope of animals.  The obtained results were interpolated on the total area of the biotopes of the animals of the accounting territory, taking into account the corrections due to the heterogeneity of the fodder and protective properties of the biotopes of the test sites.  In the study, as the primary data on the values of the populations of the teriophane, we used the aggregated data of users of the hunting grounds of the region in the form of number 2-TP (hunting) the management of hunting economy for 1992 - 2017. As of 01.01.2014 in the region created a total of 656 objects of natural reserve Fund with a total area 253,47 ha. Is 2 national natural Park (NNP), 1 regional landscape Park (RLP), 2 dendrological Park (DP), 52 reserve tracts, 442 sanctuary, 137 nature monuments (NM), 19 monuments of landscape art, 1 zoo. About 44% of protected areas belong to forests and wooded areas, and 34% of open wetlands, 13% is agricultural land, 8% protected areas cover water bodies. The average area of the protected object, with the exception of national natural and regional landscape parks, is about 200 ha. In order to assess the ecological effectiveness of protected areas in biodiversity conservation, we analyzed the dynamics of the population of hunting species living in protected areas.  For each species, the numbers of populations were normalized in 1993.  The index values were determined according to the methodology as the average of the indices of all types included in the calculation for each time interval. According to the literary data, the dynamics of the global index of the planet reflects a steady decline in the number of populations.  It is established that the main characteristic of the dynamics of the index planet for conditions in the Chernihiv region is the long-term fluctuations of the indicator. During the 25 years of observation, the minimum index value was recorded in 1994, when it was 0.93 (the average number of populations decreased by 7% from the start of monitoring).  Accordingly, the maximum number of populations recorded in 2008, when it increased by almost 29%.  In the last 7 years, the number of populations has significantly stabilized and has a tendency to increase - the index index fluctuated in the range of 1.13-1.17. The long-wave waves of weighed populations in the first stage (1994-2009) can be explained by species reactions to change the status of the territory, the dynamics of economic activity, etc.  In the future, in the process of stabilizing the economic use of the territory, there is a stabilization of the number of populations of wild species, as evidenced by a decrease in the range of fluctuations of the index of the living planet. The results of our analysis allow us to conclude that the national strategy for biodiversity conservation by increasing the territory's territory contributes to the positive ecological effect of maintaining a stable state of biodiversity in conditions of its global impoverishment.  Thus, the increase over the past 25 years of the total area of the nature reserve fund of the Chernihiv region more than 2.5 times, contributed, initially, to the stabilization, and then the growth of the average weighted index of the

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