
By the example of teaching Russian as a foreign language the article analyzes how distance learning methods applied during the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the face to face learning approaches and influenced both students and teachers after the return to the classroom environment. On the one hand, there is a significantly increased role of information and communication technologies, which make it possible to model authentic language environment, to equip training courses with interactive materials, to increase the share of independent work of students, to increase their motivation and emotional involvement in the learning process. On the other hand, a significant change in the learning experiences and classroom skills of a new generation of students is being documented. The authors investigate the challenges encountered by learners of Russian as a foreign language during the pandemic era in their reading, listening, writing, and speaking practices. The authors conclude that the period of distance language learning impacted significantly on its face-to-face form, which, in turn, cannot but affect the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The most pressing task at present for instructors and teaching professionals is understanding how to use the experience acquired during the pandemic period for improving both face to face and combined learning practices in the most effective manner. As well as to find a reasonable balance in the use of e-learning tools that would allow to successfully overcome the pedagogical challenges posed by the recent return to face-to-face learning.

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