
The industrial information system in the structure of the statistical authority reflectsthe extent of the state's culture in the interest of the growth of its economy because of theindustrial information in providing data on economic indicators. This is an interest in thedeveloped countries. The countries are volatile. The information systems of the countries arepoor from the recent data and if they are flawed, they are contradictory to the economic theory,making the researcher difficult to analyze and interpret their results and find it difficult to modelthem within a mathematical law. In this work, we tried to know the status of the industrialinformation in the Algerian economy. We took the GDP and IND indices in Algeria during theperiod 1970-2015, so we used the data of the World Bank for the indicators of the Algerianeconomy and the Algerian National Statistics Bureau ONS. With these data we examined theeconomic relationship between the two variables. The results of the joint integration test showeda long-term equilibrium relationship with a one-way GDP to IND short- and long-term causality.This result is not consistent with the economic theory called the Caldor hypothesis.

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