
Introduction Computers in pharmacy are used for the information of drug data, records and files, drug management (creating, modifying, adding and deleting data in patient files to generate reports), business details. The field of pharmacy is awe fully benefitted by use of computers getting and comparing the information to yield an accurate study. In field of operation like new drug discovery, drug design analysis, and manufacturing of drugs and in hospital pharmacy computers are widely used. The drug discovery, designing, manufacturing and analysis have become virtually possible only through the development of upcoming various hard wares and soft wares. Receiving the details, storing it and processing it and its dissemination is the main role of computers and this continuous flow of information shows effective functioning of any system [1]. Applications of Computers in Pharmacy 1. Usage of computers in the retail pharmacy 2. Computer aided design of drugs (CADD) 3. Use of Computers in Hospital Pharmacy 4. Data storage and retrieval 5. Information system in Pharmaceutical Industry 6. Diagnostic laboratories 7. Computer aided learning 8. Clinical trial management 9. Adverse drug events control 10. Computers in pharmaceutical formulations 11. Computers in Toxicology and Risk Assessment 12. Computational modeling of drug disposition 13. Recent development in bio computation of drug development 14. In Research Publication 15. Digital Libraries Usage of computers in the retail pharmacy [2,3] • Providing a receipt for the patient • Record of transaction of money • Ordering low quantity of products via electronic transitions • Generation of multiple analysis for day, week, month for number of prescription handles and amounts of cash • Estimation of profits and financial rational analysis • Printing of billing and payment details • Inventory control purpose • Whenever the drugs or medicaments are added to the stock or else removed from stock; the position of stock gets updated instantaneously • Records of various drug data, i.e., drug data information • Computers are useful for getting the complete drug information which is used to satisfy the queries by patients about toxicology, adverse drug reactions, and drug-drug and drug-food interactions. • Drug Bank Data Base gives complete and detailed description of drug (pharmacological and pharmaceutical action) and also involves bioinformatics and cheminformation. Computer aided design of drugs (CADD) [4] (Figure 1) • CADD is referred as a distinct and advanced drug designing process • It is a process of pronouncement of new medications • With a base of the refined graphics software existing or feed data the medicinal chemist have a scope to design the new molecules and improve their efficiency of the action (Figure 2) [5,6]. Use of computers in hospital pharmacy [7] • In receiving and allotment of drugs • Storing the details of every individual • Professional supplies • Records of dispensed drugs to inpatient and outpatient • Information of patients records • Patient monitoring (blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature) Data storage and retrieval [8] • Hospital administration computers help in storage of data and recovery of data (retrieval) as there would be persistent changes coming up. It is frequently observed in the process of admission of patient their clinical and nursing staff, bed, operation theatre, intensive care unit, pharmacy department, radiological services, etc. • As soon as the patient gets admitted computer records and reserves information like diagnosis, medication, demography, clinical information etc. Information system in pharmaceutical industry [9,10] • Information system is the system which aggregates information technology with public which is very desirable and useful to them

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