
Purpose. To obtain reasonable characteristics of mobile means of mine-rescue equipment used in emergencies in underground mining to deliver it to the scene and evacuate injured personnel, which comprehensively increases efficiency and safety of work of both rescuers and miners. Methodology. Analysis of literary sources, technical documentation and the practice of using mining rescue equipment in the conditions of underground mining. Results. The analysis of the physical (energy) losses of rescuers during reconnaissance, emergency rescue operations, liquidation of the consequences of accidents, and the conducted research have allowed us to determine the technical characteristics of mobile means for delivering mine rescue equipment to the accident site and evacuating the victims of the accident through horizontal and vertical mine workings. The performed works have made it possible significantly increase the level of emergency protection of mining enterprises and occupational safety of miners, facilitate the work of personnel and, ultimately, the improve efficiency and reliability of the entire mining rescue service. Scientific novelty. The article proves that only a comprehensive approach to the development of mobile mining rescue equipment can provide an effective technological solution in the development of such equipment. Practical significance. Special vehicles developed for mining rescue units are suitable for operation in underground mining conditions. New technical solutions make it possible to transport rescue equipment in horizontal and vertical mines, which saves time and the health of mine rescuers. Developed and tested emergency and rescue technical means intended for mechanization during emergency and rescue operations in vertical shafts of mines, as well as during the performance by mine rescuers of technological works related to the inspection of the condition, for example, of ventilation shafts of mines that are not equipped with mechanized lifts. The reception commission confirmed the functionality of the developed equipment, its compliance with its intended purpose, and recommended the developed equipment for mass implementation both at enterprises and in units of the paramilitary mining and rescue service.

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