
Based on the decomposition method, a comparative determination of the causes of mortality was made, the change in mortality from which affects the value of life expectancy (LE) of the rural population of the Saratov region and the Russian Federation in gender and age and sex sections according to the data for 2019. Based on the materials of the Russian database on fertility and mortality of the Center for Demographic Research of the Russian School of Economics for 2019, special mortality tables have been calculated, in which the number of deaths by a specific cause is excluded. The decomposition method for calculating the contribution of individual causes of death to the life expectancy of the rural population of the Russian Federation and the Saratov region was implemented using the United Nations-1985 methodology. It was found out that the influence of the main death causes, with the exception of respiratory diseases, on the life expectancy of both rural women and men in the region is higher than in rural Russia as a whole. An equally increased dynamics of death of the rural population by neoplasms and diseases of the digestive system was noted in the Russian Federation and the region from 2006 to 2019. At the same time, there is a multidirectional dynamics of death by some infectious and parasitic diseases and respiratory diseases: decreasing in the rural population of the Russian Federation as a whole and increasing in the rural population of the region. It should be especially noted that the contribution of death of rural women by diseases of the circulatory system at older ages (over 85 years old) both in the Russian Federation and in the Saratov region exceeds the same indicator in rural men. The research results can be used in the development and adjustment of federal and regional government documents to improve the effectiveness of the proposed measures to increase the life expectancy of the rural population.

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