The article, based on the philosophical concepts of M. Bakhtin and M. Heidegger, for the first time undertakes an experience of phenomenological entry into the problematics of the origins of the language of philosophy; for this purpose, the main paradigmatic features of divergence and similarities in the approaches of both phi-losophers are revealed, and the analysis of their views on the dialectics of monological and dialogical interpre-tation of the nature of language is presented; the necessity of an integrated approach to the interpretation of genre preferences of both thinkers (novel and poetry, respectively) is substantiated. This is what the novelty of the study resides in. In the author’s opinion, the possibility of realizing both tendencies concerning the life of language: centrifugal and centripetal (according to M. Bakhtin) – in the context of the phenomenological ap-proach – turns out to be conditioned by the existence of the natural environment of language, which, following M. Merleau-Ponty, can be appropriately called the “existential field” of communication. Any communication, be it dialog or polylogue, presupposes the presence of a certain degree of consent of its participants. Precisely in the presence of such consent, the word is able to realize itself, to be filled with meaning, to incarnate itself, to become a true “world event” in the conditions of the implementation of the principle of reversibility. The rele-vance of the present study for philosophy is due to the fact that in our time language has undergone significant changes due to the technologization and mediatization of the communication process, predetermining close attention to the natural environment of its existence.
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