
In the conditions of modern Ukrainian society, the primary school teacher faces the problem of acquiring the spiritual heritage of his nation and using it in the process of formation of junior pupils’ national-language personality. In this regard, the question of learning the scientifi c heritage of Ukrainian scientists of the past and present is of great importance, especially in the process of New Ukrainian school development. Among the important and bright outstanding fi gures in Ukrainian culture and pedagogy, Ivan Ohiienko, known as a prominent fi gure in science and education, takes a special place. His scientifi c works contain a number of recommenda-tions and advice on the content, forms, methods and means of education, the use of which will contribute to the improvement of the primary education system. According to Ivan Ohiienko’s ideas, the tasks of primary education are realized fi rst of all through learning and understanding of the native language, history and national traditions. I. Ohiienko believed that only a competent teacher, aimed at self-improve-ment, can properly ensure the intellectual and spiritual development of the young generation. The teacher occupies a central place in the pedagogical process in the case of the pupil’s positive attitude to him, and aff ects the child’s consciousness, subconscious and feelings. Modern teacher has to rethink his own position in the educational process, up-date his professional thinking, focus on self-education and systematic analysis of his own teaching activities, tracking the eff ectiveness of their work through a monitoring system. The new teacher should teach children activity, teamwork skills, when they can complement each other, stimulate their self-development and self-improvement.

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