
The development of inclusive education in Kazakhstan determines the renewal and improvement of approaches to the training and professional activities of teachers. Inclusive education involves co-education of healthy normally developing children and children with special educational needs. Children with special educational needs in the international classification are defined as children who experience constant difficulties in obtaining education due to: limited development opportunities – hearing, vision, speech disorders; behavioral and emotional problems; environmental factors – economic, social, cultural, the state of thematic health. The inclusion of children with special educational needs in General education organizations requires a change in approaches to education and the implementation of the pedagogical process. This, of course, increases the requirements for the competence of teaching staff. A special place among them is occupied by such a young profession as a social teacher. Its role is huge in the integral pedagogical process of the school, since one of the most important tasks of inclusive education is the full socialization of children with special educational needs. The article reveals the features of psychological and pedagogical competence of a social teacher as an important participant in the educational inclusive process. The authors offer indicators of a high level of psychological and pedagogical competence of a specialist.

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