
The present article explicates the problem of organizing physical culture and recreation work with preschool children with severe speech impairments in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). It argues the importance of intro-ducing physical training and recreational activities into the daily regimen of children with severe speech im-pairments, taking into account the specificity of physical development, children's fitness and climatic conditions. In the course of the work, special and methodological literature on this problem was studied and analyzed, a study of the coordination abilities of preschool children with severe speech impairments in the Far North was carried out, since one of the main aspects of the physical development of preschoolers is the development of coordination abilities. A methodology for the development of coordination abilities of preschool children with severe speech impairments has been developed and tested, which includes general developmental physical exercises for the development of all basic movements and national games of the peoples of the North.

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