Introduction. For the sake of early detection of potential combustion it’s expedient to apply methods, which utilize the analysis of curvature within indirect physical parameters of the area, such as aerosol and gaseous combustion products, represented by aero dispersion systems. Problem formulation. Aero dispersion system can never be sustainable, reason being there are air mass transfer in progress, dispersion and condensation processes, vortex flows occur, particle coagulation takes place, sedimentation under the weight of gravity, evaporation and etc. Materials and methods. Electric induction method of monitoring the parameters of aero dispersion systems implemented in the IP 216-M5 detector, allow for continuous analysis of changes within a wide spectrum of aerosol particles and possess higher sensitivity comparing to other sensor types. The choice of materials was based on the fact, that insulation of electrotechnical materials may be subject to overheat because the increase in the electrical load current flowing within cable products through the conductors due to the emergency state of electrical equipment. Equipment used and appliances. The heating temperature was controlled using a multimeter with a thermocouple, in the temperature-measuring mode in increments of one degree. The electrostatic induction fire detector IP 216-M5, fixes the beginning of the process of thermal decomposition. The decomposition temperature of the test material is determined by the data of a thermocouple, the sensitive element of which is in contact with the heated surface of the solder bath. Conclusion. It was experimentally proved that the electrostatic induction method for controlling aerosol systems makes it possible to detect aerosol products of thermal decomposition in different materials with their lower concentration of less than 0.1 mg/m 3 10-20 minutes before ignition of the insulation within an electric cable. The relationship between the auto-ignition temperature and the initial temperature of the thermal decomposition of the insulating sheath of electrical cables has been proven - this temperature gap is 200 °C.
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For the sake of early detection of potential combustion it’s expedient to apply methods, which utilize the analysis of curvature within indirect physical parameters of the area, such as aerosol and gaseous combustion products, represented by aero dispersion systems.Problem formulation
The heating temperature was controlled using a multimeter with a thermocouple, in the temperature-measuring mode in increments of one degree
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