
Significance. Conditions for integrating medical surveillance service for people engaged in physical activities and sports into the regional public health system have been already developed in a number of subjects of the Russian Federation. In some regions, medical and physical education departments and/or sports medicine centers are the main institutions for medical prevention. In the reporting documentation, information about activities of these institutions related to preventive work with the population is not detailed. The methodology, developed by the Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for generating information on activities of these institutions, makes it possible to supplement and specify information regarding measures aimed at maintaining and restoring public health. The purpose of the study was to analyze activities of the regional medical and physical education departments related to health promotion, prevention and interdepartmental interaction, in terms of its integration into the regional public health system. Material and methods. Regulatory documentation, the form №53 of the sectoral statistical observation, data of the explanatory notes to the form №53. Method: content analysis. Results. A comparative analysis of regulatory documents has revealed compliance, indicating the feasibility of integrating activities of sports medicine divisions into the regional public health system. The main work directions in the field of prevention, public health and interdepartmental interaction have been identified and analyzed. Conclusions. Sports medicine divisions are part of the prevention system of the region. To ensure integration into the regional public health system, it is necessary to establish a clear interaction between structures both within the preventive service and in the regional system of ministries and departments. The inconsistency of the reporting documentation and the lack of standard indicators make it difficult to assess effectiveness of the public health measures. The scope of application. Integration of sports medicine service institutions into the regional public health system. Information in the explanatory notes can become basis for identifying best practices

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