
This research is motivated by the lower student learning score resulting from education that is carried out in a classical way and the medium used is still unavailable, so that students are less interested in participating in learning, which causes many students’ scores to still be below the lowest obtained score. In addition, the most specific problem is the textbook used is difficult for beginners, meaning the book Lessons of the Durusul Lughah Al-‘Arabiyyah by Imam Zarkasyi and Imam Syabani. This research is a quasi-experimental design research. The design format used is Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The number of the research community in this research was 30 people consisting of two classes. The research sample consisted of 16 individuals from the experimental group and 14 from the control group. The data analysis method used is normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis test. It can be concluded that there is a significant impact on the result of students' education using the interactive medium Power Point and using the traditional methods. This was reinforced by the result of hypothesis testing at a significant level of 0.05, and the result of Sig < 0.05 (0.023 < 0.05) and t hitung > t tabel (2,048 < 2,408) so that it can be concluded that there is an effect of the interactive tool PowerPoint on the result of language education Arabic among the students of the experimental class compared to the traditional methods in the control class.

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