
The aim of this research is to focus on higher education organizations, those usually aspire to reform the educational system. This is because of the need to adapt to the new constantly changing requirements of society. The way is by raising the quality and efficiency of education in the university system to meet international standards. The reform must take into account the effectiveness and quality of education, compatible with global system, and must enable graduates to integrate easily into the modern labor market. As the knowledge is being the critical factor to the survival and sustainability of the organization, knowledge management processes have become an important productive component for the continuous flow of contemporary managerial concepts. Universities should also be prepared to work in the competitive education market, assuming greater administrative self-independence, flexible regulatory framework and adequate funding. Today higher education institutions require more openness and transparency, and directing researches into how public institutions perform at the higher education level, which affect the performance management of these institutions.Emphasis was placed, on the extent, to the contribution of knowledge management processes and their role to fulfill the quality of university education. The matter, which significantly stimulated the university's potential concerns in terms of the difficulty of preparing students for life and work. The expansion of higher education in the outside world took a completely different direction due to the intense competition and the emergence of Open Universities and the Internet revolution while this education remains self-sustaining. Moreover, the increase in the number of colleges and students has led to increased problems of quality control in education. This is a major and important issue faced by universities The analytical approach was used to analyze the information collected by the questionnaire, which was designed to take into account the spectroscopic and analytical clarity in the diagnosis of the dimensions of the research, its components and the measurement mechanism. In the applied side, the logic architecture (fuzzy logic) was adopted in the process of examining the level of knowledge management processes to achieve the quality of learning. The study population was divided into all sections of the institute. A sample of 50 teachers was selected and all data were subjected to statistical analysis using a package ( SPSS ). Conclusions have been reached, most notably are in determining the level of the actualmembership function of the application of knowledge management processes to achieve the quality of university learning, taking into account the necessary requirements for the implementation of these processes, including training, administrative, organizational, incentive and technology. A number of proposals were put forward to all Iraqi administrations, including the (knowledge-driven) organization. One of the most important of these proposals is to generate the conviction of university officials that quality management and its applications are necessary and decisive for the university's continuity, growth and development by improving the quality of its performance and generating the ability to meet the challenges that may arise in the future. The application of knowledge management processes through the trend towards the adoption of programs and modern quantitative methods in the interpretation of theoretical reality and starting through it to reflect the practical reality and practical.

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