
The Issue of preemptive war and the protection of States against the dangers and threats they face is a process that facilitates rectifying things and carrying out defensive operations that gave rise, in turn, to the legal capacity through repeating and stating them in the international agreements. Self-defense in international law is very similar to the right of defense in the national laws of states which consider the individual’s protection and survival as having the priority over the violator or the enemy. In order tackle all the aspects of the topic, the researchers have tried to divide the study into two main sections. The first section is about the definition of preemptive wars and the scholars’ opinions through two subsections: the first gives the definition of pre-emptive war, and the second tackles the requirements and the motivations of the preemptive war. While the second section which falls in two subsections is related to the role of the international organizations in defining these wars and their mechanisms. The first subsection is about the role of the League of Nations, and the second is about the role of the .United Nations in such wars

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