
Data are provided on findings of marine macroalgae during bottom trawls and longline fishing on the Western Kamchatka shelf in 2018-2023. During the study period, algae were noted at 65 stations in the depth range from 20 to 350 m. Most of the algae findings were found in the Kamchatka-Kuril fishing subzone, within the South Kamchatka Nature Reserve. Among the macrophytes, representatives of the order Laminariales predominated: Agarum pertusum, A. clathratum, Alaria esculenta, Arthrothamnus bifidus, Eualaria fistulosa, Hedophyllum bongardianum, H. dentigerum, Laminaria yezoensis, Laminaria inclinatoriza and Thalassiophyllum clathrus. For southwestern Kamchatka, only 9 out of 13 species of kelp algae indicated in the literature were discovered. Brown algae Fucus distichus, Desmarestia intermedia, red algae – Ptilota asplenioides, Turnerella mertensiana and lamellar green algae – Ulva fenestrata were found sporadically. A comparative analysis of aerial photography data of coastal areas from Cape Sivuchy to Cape Lopatka in 2002 and modern satellite images did not reveal significant changes in the distribution of littoral and sublittoral algae beds. In the coastal line of capes Sivuchy, Kambalny and Maria that we studied, the kelp belt with an average width of 100-130 m reached in the summer of 2018–2023 the total coverage area is 1.92 km2. The use of accompanying data when conducting bottom surveys of commercial invertebrates and fish, longline cod fisheries, together with the analysis of satellite images, allows for an expert assessment of changes in the species composition and distribution of kelp algae, and is also a promising tool for monitoring the state of macrophyte communities in the Far Eastern seas of Russia.

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