
The article is devoted to the study of elliptical sentences (ES), which are one of the means of expressive syntax. ES are relatively incomplete from a structural-syntactic point of view and semantically complete. The works of art selected for the study belong to different periods of Ivan Franko's work, which made it possible to trace the evolution of the writer's authorial style. The aim of the article was a comprehensive analysis of ES, in particular, reviewed research positions on such a phenomenon as ellipse, which is the basis of ES formation, described the structural-semantic groups of ES and identified their semantic-syntactic and pragmastylistic features of functioning. The conducted quantitative and statistical analysis shows a significant predominance of ES with elliptical verbs in comparison with ellipsed nouns, in particular with verbs of beingness, which is about 70% of the found ES. It is noted that ES is characterized by a variety of syntactic structure, in particular, they are mostly common and function in both one-syllable and two-syllable sentences. The priority in the structural organization of ES is the author's desire to reproduce the living communication between the characters as much as possible, thus truthfully and in detail to convey the features of communication, their characters, emotions, thoughts, etc., ie to reproduce the spirit of living natural speech. A prerequisite for the frequent use of ES is the linguistic tendency to save language resources, to create a compressed version of the expression. We see the prospect of further research in the involvement of other works of art of the writer, which would allow to trace much more widely the peculiarities of the writer's use of ES.

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