Introduction. In the context of existing and potential threats to the state's military security, Ukraine has a key role to play in preparing the units and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by trained personnel. Specifically, the soldiers implement the plan of the leadership of the state and the armed forces.Purpose. To determine the place and role of the system of higher military education in the preparation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by a trained junior officer.Methods. The method of analysis and synthesis and the method of expert evaluations are used.Results. While determining the place and role of scientific research in supplying the educational activities in military HEI:systematized factors that influenced the level of staffing of the initial officer positions and the quality of the specialists who occupy them;the place and role of the military education system (VVNZ), as well as the training of a certain number of officers, are determined;a new approach is proposed on the integration of military education subsystems, personnel management and social protection into a single human resources management system.Originality. For the first time, the content of the integration of military education systems, personnel management and social protection is defined, which is to coordinate the processes of determining the need for specialists, selection, planning of training, evaluation and distribution (selection and placement), social protection of military personnel in order to ensure rational use of human resources, increase the effectiveness of the implementation of training and combat tasks.Conclusion. Our publication left out the question: "Was there, at the time of partial mobilization, the human resources reserve for officers of the grassroots level?", "Is the existing mobilization system capable of using it?".mso-ansi-language:UK;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold'>: dys.... kand. nauk z derzh. upravlinnya: 25.00.02. 285. 8. Frolov, V.S., Ustymenko, O.V. (2018). Udoskonalennya systemy viysʹkovoyi osvity: problemni pytannya vprovadzhennya metodyk pidhotovky ZS derzhav-chleniv NATO [Improvement of the system of military education: problem issues on the implementation of training methods of the Armed Forces of NATO member states]. Viysʹkova osvita i nauka: sʹohodennya ta maybutnye : Tezy dopovidey Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi / za zah. redaktsiyeyu I.V.Toloka. – K.: VIKNU. 190–191.9. Statut proektu “rozvytok systemy viysʹkovoyi osvity ta pidhotovky viysʹkovykh fakhivtsivˮ [Statute of the project "Development of the system of military education and training of military specialists"]. Rishennya Ministra oborony Ukrayiny shchodo udoskonalennya viysʹkovoyi osvity vid 05.07.2018 № 7530/z/3.
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