
The subject of research is the study of the regularity of changes in the components of the water balance of the aeration zone and the calculated layer, aimed at preserving the fertility of soddy-podzolic soils of the Central Russian province of the Non-Chernozem zone of Russia, and obtaining optimally high yields of table carrots. The object of research, the components of the water balance of the aeration zone and the calculated layer, are soddy-podzolic soils and soil moisture of watershed areas associated with the cultivation of table carrots. Experimental studies included field, lysimetric and laboratory experiments carried out in years with different meteorological conditions. In field and lysimetric experiments, as well as in the processing and analysis of experimental materials, the theory of groundwater movement, the water balance method, physical and mathematical modeling, and the theory of mathematical statistics were used. The studies carried out in lysimeters and on the experimental site in 2010-2012 were the basis for obtaining the patterns of changes in the components of the water balance of the aeration zone and the calculated layer during irrigation of the vetch-oat mixture on soddy-podzolic soils. When conducting scientific research on the water balance of the aeration zone and the calculated layer during the irrigation of the vetch-oat mixture on soddy-podzolic soils, the methodology developed at the Department of Agricultural Melioration, Forestry and Land Management of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev. The relationship between the irrigation norms of the vetch-oat mixture and the moisture content of the calculated layer of soddy-podzolic soil was obtained. The correlation coefficient of the considered values is 0.982+0.067. The relationship between the water consumption of vetch-oat mixture and the moisture content of soddy-podzolic soil of watersheds has been obtained. The correlation coefficient of the considered values is 0.984+0.055.

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