
In the work, a study was made of harmful production factors affecting a worker in the dairy industry. It established that in the modern production of dairy products, high-performance technological equipment is used, the operation of which leads to the appearance of hazardous and harmful production factors. Noise is not the last among them. The degree of negative impact of noise on people depends on its frequency range, intensity, duration of action and the nature of the personnel work. The zones of the greatest non-specific effect of noise on a person are identified. It is established that the operator of the dairy industry is in close contact with the process equipment. The most suitable solution for protecting personnel from noise is the use of personal protective equipment. The article evaluates the noise impact on the operators of the dairy processing industry of the Republic of Mordovia within the framework of a special assessment of working conditions using the Assistant noise meter of the first accuracy class. Exceeding the noise level is observed at all the same type of workplaces. To protect workers from increased noise, a noise protection suit was developed, consisting of a jacket, and trousers. Experimental studies of the noise-protective properties of this suit were carried out at the Department of Life Safety of FGBOU VO «Moscow State University nabbed after N.P. Ogarev» with the use of modern reverberation chamber BZD-16. This suit differs from the standard overalls in the presence of additional noise-protective inserts that allow to protect the most vulnerable parts of the worker body from the aggressive effects of noise.

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