
Introduction. The emergence of a fire and explosion situation at the enterprise is due to the peculiarities of the physicochemical properties of the circulating substances, materials and products. To reduce the fire hazard of processes associated with the circulation of liquid hydrocarbons, a technique has been developed to control fire-hazardous processes under conditions of stabilization of carbon nanostructures. Results and discussion. It has been established that with the introduction of carbon nanostructures (CNS) under the conditions of electrophysical influence, the surface tension coefficient increases by 10-30 %. This effect is associated with an increase in the strength of the van der Waals interaction between agglomerates of nanostructures. A decrease in the intensity of evaporation of modified liquid hydrocarbons from the open surface by 20-40 % under the influence of an alternating electric field was observed, which is caused by the preservation of the parameters of the CNS in the medium of liquid hydrocarbons. According to the results of the study of the electrophysical properties of nanofluids obtained under conditions of stabilization of CNS, it was found that the dielectric constant decreases by 20-30 %, which is caused by a decrease in the number of free charges in liquid hydrocarbons during polarization of CNS. The values of the growth time of the values of specific volume electrical resistance increase by 10-20 %, and the values of the electric field strength during homogenization decrease on average by 20 % in comparison with nanofluids that are not subjected to electrophysical effects. The results of the study of the topology of agglomerations of the CNS in nanofluids under stabilization conditions reflect a decrease in the growth of agglomerations of nanostructures by an average of 40 %, which indicates that the distances between nanoparticles remain unchanged compared to nanofluids prepared without additional methods for stabilizing the CNS. Conclusion. Physical and technological principles of control of fire-hazardous processes based on the mechanism of stabilizing the parameters of the CNS under the influence of an alternating electric field are formulated. Based on the physico-technological principles, a method for controlling fire-hazardous processes when handling liquid hydrocarbons using nanocomponent additives and further stabilizing CNS containing multi-layered carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) has been developed, which allows reducing the intensity of vaporization and electrification processes when handling liquid hydrocarbons to quickly prevent manifestations possible fire and explosion situations in the process.


  • The emergence of a fire and explosion situation at the enterprise is due to the peculiarities of the physicochemical properties of the circulating substances, materials and products

  • A decrease in the intensity of evaporation of modified liquid hydrocarbons from the open surface by 20–40 % under the influence of an alternating electric field was observed, which is caused by the preservation of the parameters of the carbon nanostructures (CNS) in the medium of liquid hydrocarbons

  • According to the results of the study of the electrophysical properties of nanofluids obtained under conditions of stabilization of CNS, it was found that the dielectric constant decreases by 20–30 %, which is caused by a decrease in the number of free charges in liquid hydrocarbons during polarization of CNS

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Ñâîéñòâî MWCNT MWCNT property
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Reagent modification MWCNT
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