
The relevance of the preservation of scientific schools and the revival of the fundamental approach now is due to the transition to a new economic policy in Russia announced last year, the main goal of which is to achieve the technological sovereignty of the country, independent of foreign institutions. It is this principle that ensures the effective development of scientific schools and the implementation of new ideas in practice. Fundamental training of specialists in the natural sciences, their focus on solving specific practical problems of the industry, attracting young specialists to solve these problems – these are the three basic conditions for the development of any scientific school. It is emphasized that in the digital age, the activities of university research teams within scientific schools ensure the formation of a new generation of young scientists who effectively apply IT technologies both at the stages of theoretical and experimental research, and in solving industry problems. The driver of scientific schools is the participation of students and graduate students in research activities supported by academic grants. The work shows that the development of the scientific and pedagogical school of oil and gas and underground hydromechanics of Gubkin University from the moment of its inception to the present is shown, the characteristic trends of its development are indicated, associated with a deep understanding of the essence of the physicochemical processes occurring in the reservoir oil and gas system, and the possibility of numerical simulation of these processes, which in the future, it is the basis for the development of our own domestic simulators for solving specific technical problems of oil and gas production.

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