
The article analyzes the contribution of the famous archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alexey Pavlovich Umansky to the study of the ancient world of the Kamensky district, to the formation of the stock collection “Archeology” and the design of the exposition “The History of the city of Kamen-na-Ob from ancient times to 1917” of the Kamensky District Museum of Local Lore. Thanks to numerous archaeological expeditions under the leadership of A. P. Umansky, signifcant material was collected on the history and culture of the peoples who lived in ancient times on the territory of the Kamensky district. The legacy of A. P. Umansky, who transferred to the museum authentic objects of museum signifcance with historical, scientifc and artistic value, currently makes up a signifcant part of the museum items of the fund collection “Archeology” of the Kamensky District Museum of Local Lore, information about which is partially included in the unifed FGIS “State Catalog of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation”.

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