
The article analyzes the process of determination of special lexical units of terminology of basic and critical military technologies as one of the most priority directions of the scientific and technical complex. The relevance and importance of the study is determined by the need to perform complex linguistic-cognitive analysis of terminological systems related to the areas of scientific, technical and military-industrial complex, as well as the initial theoretical lacunarity of linguistic-cognitive and pragmatic conditionality of terminological processes in the designated areas. The authors set the following goal: to determine the priority areas (mental constructs) represented by determinologized units of military terminology, which stands out as a basis for further reconstruction of the terminology network. Special attention is paid to the correlation of the indicated units with the dynamics of mental constructs, as well as to the representation of the elements of special knowledge in the framework of non-special discourse realization. A complex research method is used, which consists of the methods of descriptive, definitional, component and discourse analysis, as well as the method of quantitative data processing. The necessity of the study of the functional range of determinologized units is shown as a discursive actualization of the author’s intentions aimed at implementing the principles of attractiveness, intellectualization and promotion of special knowledge. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the significant prospects of further linguocognitive research of the process of determinologization as an element of author’s intentions, as well as the features of the representation of the elements of scientific / special knowledge in their various discursive implementation on the basis of building terminological semantic networks.

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