
The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the use of fertilizers, plant protection products, increasing yields and applying quality based on the selection of soft wheat varieties. Reserve study in 2020-2021 on chernozem soils of Avangard LLC, Buinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. The agrochemical characteristics of the soil of the experimental plot are as follows: in the presence of 0-20 cm of humus (7.0-8.5%), P2O5 - 182-255 mg/kg, K2O - 159-193 mg/kg and soil acidity (pHsalt) - 5.5-5.8. Chemical analyzes of soils were implemented in the Federal State Budgetary Institution, the Central Agrochemical Service “Tatarsky” for the impact of methods: humus content (GOST 26213-91), pHsol. (GOST 26484-85), R2O5 and K2O (GOST 26207-91). The meteorological conditions during the years of research differed sharply. In 2020, the HTC amounted to 1.18 during the growing season of spring wheat, and in 2021 - 0.37, which had a very negative impact on the formation of the spring wheat crop. In the years of research, such varieties as Yoldyz and Ekada 109 turned out to be the most early-ripening. The duration of the growing season in 2020 was 96-102 days, in 2021 - 86-88 days. On average, over two years, the varieties Ekada 109 turned out to be more responsive to fertilization, yield increase, compared to the natural background - 0.81 t/ha, Arkhat - 0.48 t/ha, Balkysh - 0.46 t/ha and Burlak – 0.45 t/ha. For 2020-2021, in relation to the standard variety, the maximum increase in yield was provided by the varieties Ekada 109 - 0.93 t/ha, Yoldyz - 0.46 and Burlak - 0.44 t/ha against an unfertilized background, and with the introduction of NRK - 1,5; 0.66 and 0.49 t/ha, respectively. Spring wheat grains with a high content of protein and a mass fraction of gluten were formed against the background of the use of fertilizers in such varieties as Ekada 109 - 14.3 -14.8 and 28.0-28.6%, Yoldyz - 14.0 - 14.2 and 26.0-26.3%, Burlak - 14.7-15.0 and 25.7-26.1%. The quality of gluten (according to IDK) in the same varieties on both backgrounds of nutrition, belonged to groups I-II.

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