
Aim. Assessment of the impact of the most common systems of basic tillage and biological methods of optimization of nutrition regimes on the realization of the potential of grain productivity of soybean in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. The research used general scientific (hypothesis, experiment, observation) and special (field experiment, morphological analysis) methods Results. The analysis of the results of field experiments shows that the conservation system of soil cultivation, which provided the formation of 27.6 c/ha of grain, is preferable by the level of biological yield of soybean. The use of other systems caused a decrease in the biological yield level: up to 26.4 c/ha for the use of the traditional system, up to 25.3 c/ha for the use of mulching and up to 23.0 c/ha for the use of the mini-till. With the use of Groundfix, the average biological yield of soybean grain increases to 25.6 c / ha for application rates of 5 l/ha, and to 28.2 c/ha for application rates of 10 l/ha when control variants (without the use of the specified preparation) an average of 22.6 c/ha of grain was formed with fluctuations in soil tillage systems from 21.0 (mini-bodies) to 25.8 c/ha (traditional).The application of Groundfix (10 l/ha) reduced the seed abortion rate from 11.0% (average without biofertilizer variants) to 8.0%, forming the optimal number of stem nodes with beans, increasing the attachment height of the lower beans and improving other indicators of biological productivity soybeans. Conclusions. It has been found that the use of the canning tillage system generates an average of 27.6 cent soybean grains, which is the highest indicator among the main tillage systems within the scheme of our research. The use of Groundfix caused a change in this indicator: if the variants with a conservative system of basic tillage without the use of biological preparation (control) were formed on average 24.1 c/ha, the use of Ground Licks caused the increase of biological productivity up to 29.4 c/ha, and at a dose of 10 l/ha biological yield was 32.2 c/ha. It was found that both the use of Groundfix and the basic tillage system influenced the elements of the yield structure: the density of the plants at the time of harvest depended more on the tillage system than on the use of Groundfix; the use of Groundfix and increasing its dose within the scheme of our studies positively reflected on the density of standing plants; the height of attachment of the lower beans and reduced the abortion of the seeds.

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