
Field experiments to study the effectiveness of the use of mineral fertilizers and biological products with strains of associative nitrogen fixers were conducted in 2016-2018 on dark brown soil in LLC "Zarya" of the Oblivsky district, which is located in the north-eastern zone of the Rostov region. The objects of research were: the variety of safflower Zavolzhsky 1, bacterial preparations Mizorin, Flavobacterin, KL-10, made at the All-Russian Institute of Agricul-tural Microbiology in St. Petersburg. They were mixed immediately before sowing with seeds at a rate of 300 g/ha. Mineral fertilizers were represented by ammonium nitrate (34.4%), ammophos (12:52) and potassium chloride (65%). Safflower was cultivated according to traditional technology. The sowing of safflower was carried out with the SZ-3,6 seeder. The predecessor of safflower is winter wheat. The application of mineral fertilizers was carried out simulta-neously with sowing, as well as manually spreading for pre-sowing cultivation. The yield of safflower seeds in the control variant (without the use of agro-chemicals) was the highest in 2017, which was favorable for moisture-1.11 t / ha, and almost the same in 2016 and 2018 – 0.92-0.94 t/ha, respectively. Av-erage for 2018-2020 the yield of safflower seeds in the control variant was 0.99 t / ha. The highest yield of oilseeds was obtained on the variant with a dose of mineral fertilizers N48P52 1. 22 t / ha, but on the variant with the use of the biological product Flavobacterin, the yield was only 0.05 t / ha less. The oil content in safflower seeds on average for 3 years of research on all variants of the experiment differed slightly. Its content varied from 35.7–36.3% and did not depend on the studied agrochemical techniques. The most optimal indica-tors of economic efficiency in the experiment were obtained from the use of a strain of the associative biological product Flavobacterin on a natural back-ground of fertility. The level of profitability is higher than in the control ver-sion by 28%, with a reduction in the cost of 1.42 rubles/kg. Keywords: SAFFLOWER, MINERAL FERTILIZERS, BACTERIAL PREP-ARATIONS, YIELD

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