
The generation of a new idea, developed at the stage of the associative phase of thinking, is carried out through a multi-stage activity of consciousness: the formulation of the problem (hereinafter abbreviated – “P”); insight into the essence of “P” (study, analysis, hypotheses, etc.); isolation from “P” unknown faces; development of an algorithm for finding a way to solve these faces; partial withdrawal from attempts solve “P” by traditional scientific methods; arbitrary transition of “P” with all the accumulated information about it to the subconscious layers of the psyche to search for its solution; search on the subconscious level for the optimal way to solve the “P” and relay the results obtained to consciousness, which has temporarily moved away from its solution; a random figure (form, image, etc.) that suddenly appeared in front of the researcher (at the mental or physical level), not related to the “P” being solved. However, its configuration and individual elements cause associative comparisons with the unresolved “P” and, as it were, prompt the putting forward of new hypotheses about the methods of its solution; maximum activation of the associative impressions that have arisen, their decoding, study, comparison, analysis, identification of connections between them and with “P”; connection of inductive thinking in order to check and streamline the resulting associative versions of the ways to solve “P”; the process of developing a clear verbal formulation of the results of inductive thinking; sudden insight – finding the best way to solve a problem. This far from complete picture of the mechanism of associative generation of correct insight suggests that insight is not at all a generous “gift” of the information field of the Earth or other mysterious forces of nature. Most likely, it is a concentrated fruit of the researcher’s own reflections on the problem, over the solution of which his convolutions “fought” for a long time, which, having reached an emergent state, were transformed into a ready-made solution recipe. The problem under consideration. In other words, the knowledge accumulated by the researcher at a certain stage moves to a qualitatively different level, which, in turn, gives rise to fundamentally new cognitive abilities in him, due to which sometimes (this already depends on the genes) his “Ego” (from the subconscious mind) starts the process enlightenment, the trigger of which is the problem, on the solution of which he is working.

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