
The modern development of computer technology and the total digitalization of all types of information in the last decade have opened up almost unlimited opportunities for a large-scale expansion of the introduction of information technologies in the educational process. It was at the beginning of the 21st century and the period of the COVID-19 pandemic in particular that a real breakthrough occurred in the distance learning system. The article discusses the experience of implementing distance learning systems and using digital tools in the foreign language educational process in linguistic and non-linguistic universities, namely in the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla and the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University. The difference in the degree of motivation for learning a foreign language, the hours allocated for the study of the discipline and the specific structure of the discipline are reflected in the organization of classes and independent work of students. Also, not only the types of interactive space for teacher-student communication differ, but also the methods and tools used to form foreign language competence. The authors dwell in detail on the use of mental maps, online whiteboards and Google forms in the educational process, as well as the organization features of LMS university platforms and the possibility of their use in relation to the language discipline. Considering that the process of teaching foreign languages in LMS has its own peculiarities, the article provides grounds for the need to build the educational process in such a way that it is as close as possible to live communication between a teacher and a student, since one can master language skills successfully only in communication. The authors analyze LMS systems from the point of view of their application in full-time and part-time education and in blended learning (when offline learning is combined with elements of online learning) which involves independent control by the student of the way, time, place and pace of performing certain tasks.

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