
The article discusses the issues connected with the resolutions of the supreme body of the USSR executive power, Sovnarcom – Sovmin of the USSR, in the field of archives administration during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 and in the post–war period. The author investigated a set of the materials of the voluminous fund of the USSR Council of Ministers (F. R-5446), kept in the State Archives of the Russian Federation (GARF). The basis of the paper is the analysis of the recently declassified resolutions of the Sovnarcom – Sovmin of the USSR. In particular, the research revealed, reviewed and scrutinized the resolutions of the supreme body of the USSR executive power concerning the conducting of the evacuation of state, party and departmental archives to the East – to Saratov, Tchkalov, Ufa and other USSR localities; the formation of new archival repositories (the RSFSR Central State Archives of the Far East, the Russian Overseas Historical Archives in Prague (RZIA), the Central State Specialized Archives, the Archives of the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the USSR), and also the resolutions concerning the transfer of the archival funds in the post–war period (to the archives of the GDR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, etc.). The article touches upon the issues connected with the adoption by the USSR Soviet of Ministers of the resolutions on the immortalization of the names of prominent Russian historians and archivists Vladimir Ivanovich Picheta and Sergey Konstantinovich Bogoyavlensky. When carrying out the research, the author made active use of the information that had been received as a result of the work with the data base “Resolutions of the Sovnarcom – Sovmin of the USSR” designed by the specialists of the State Archives of the RF.

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