
The article deals with the analysis of lexical, semantic and grammatical levels of the novels’ translations «Les gens heureux lisent et boivent du café» and «La vie est facile, ne t’inquiète pas» by Anese Martin-Lugan into Ukrainian, made by Leonid Kononovich. Particular attention is paid to reproducing the gender aspects of the original works. The need to render the images raises a number of difficulties that the translator faces. Anese Martin-Lugan’s novels are full of examples of using different stylistic devices. The peculiarities of the translation of texts with means of expressiveness from French into Ukrainian with the use of certain translational transformations are examined. In general, metaphors are translated into the Ukrainian language: by a dictionary analogue, by a metaphorical word with the other image, by a metaphoric word with more expressive image. The first attempt was made to analyze gender reproduction in the translation of hero’s language, who is a representative of nonstandard sexual orientation. The lexical and grammatical transformations to reproduce the features of the author’s style are highlighted. It gives conclusions that the minor inaccuracies in the case of non-reproduction of lexical-grammatical and stylistic features of the author’s individual style become much more meaningful when considering their gender components. These observations indicate a certain asymmetry enables to apply gender asymmetry as manipulation, deforming strategies and tactics of translation, and sometimes in case of discrepancy between the original text and translation in terms of analyzing its gender characteristics. It is established that, without gender adequacy, the translated text loses the appropriate completeness of reproduction of the author’s image and the meanings generated by the text.

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