A single crystal of crystal bar Zr was irradiated, unstressed, at 570 K in a fast (> 1 MeV) neutron flux of 5.5 × 10 16 n/m 2-s . After a dose of 6 × 10 23 n/m 2 a tensile stress of 25 MPa was applied during a period of steady reactor power. The loading strain was an order of magnitude smaller than that observed when an identical, unirradiated, crystal was loaded to the same stress. There followed a period of primary creep during which the creep rate decreased to a value of 5 × 10 −6 h −1 in the first 24 hours of the test. For the final 2000 hours of the test the specimen was observed to creep at a rate of 1 × 10 −6 h −1 when the reactor was at full power. During shutdowns, the creep rate decreased with time. The results will be discussed and compared with predictions from current theories for the mechanism of irradiation enhanced creep in light of the micro-structures observed.
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