In the previous paper (Zijl and Stam, 1992), a theory has been developed to calculate the nine components of the three-dimensional intrinsic permeability tensor on the scale of a grid-block from a local-scale, predominantly layered subsurface. The resulting block-scale expressions can be written as a perturbation series of which the first term, or zeroth-order solution, coincides with the conventionally applied arithmetic and harmonic averages over the layers of the subsurface. The derived expressions permit the calculation of the diagonal and off-diagonal terms of the permeability tensor. In the present paper, these expressions will be applied in some numerical examples. Two basic two-dimensional hypothetical permeability distributions are adopted, and the various terms of the theoretical expressions are calculated. The results will be used to derive guidelines to discern the situations where higher order solutions can be neglected, and where conventional harmonic and arithmetic averages give a good estimate of the permeability on grid-block scale.