The bonding of firstand second-row elements differ dramatically. The simplest unsaturated silicon hydrides Si2H2 and Si2H4 exhibit quite unusual geometries [1] compared to the analogous hydrocarbon molecules. For example, the most stable form of Si2H2 is nonplanar with C2v symmetry and two bridging H atoms, in sharp contrast to linear acetylene, HC! CH. Phosphorus and nitrogen share many of the same bonding characteristics, but P prefers single over multiple bonds. For these reasons, it may be difficult to predict the most stable isomeric arrangement, even for a small molecule with a single Por atom and especially when it contains both. Silicon–phosphorus bonds are important in materials science and organometallic chemistry. Geometries for several-hundred larger molecules containing a phosphorus– silicon single bond have been determined by X-ray crystallography, but the uncertainties are typically 0.05!. With respect to phosphorus–silicon multiple bonds, it appears that sterically stabilized phosphasilenes R2Si=PR’ are the only compounds that have been isolated to date. The precise structures have been determined for only two of these species, using single-crystal X-ray crystallography. Our knowledge of the SiP bond is therefore quite inadequate. Gas-phase investigations of phosphorus–silicon compounds have been hampered by their high reactivity; consequently the structures of only a few species with SiP bond have been accurately characterized, that is, with accuracies of at least 0.05 !. Nevertheless, it should be noted that small molecules containing both elements are also of astronomical interest, because siliconand phosphorus-bearing molecules[8j have been detected in the interstellar space by radio astronomy. HPSi is perhaps the simplest unsaturated compound to have a chemical bond between silicon and phosphorus. Quantum-chemical calculations and experimental investigations have shown that linear structures are by far the most stable arrangements for HCN, HNC, and the heavier analogues HNSi and HCP. Until the present investigation, no experimental data were available for HPSi, but ab initio calculations concluded that a bridged structure with a Si P double bond (hereafter denoted HPSi) is more stable than linear HSiP. These calculations also predict an energy difference, of the order of 10 kcalmol1, between these forms; a transition state lying 13 kcalmol1 above HSiP connects the two isomers. Although hydrogen bonding occurs in silicon hydrides, no phosphorus-bearing molecules with this type of bonding are known. To determine the existence, geometry, and bonding of HPSi, a study has been undertaken to measure its rotational spectrum. Rotational spectroscopy is an ideal technique to study HPSi and other polar molecules because rotational frequencies are directly related to the moments of inertia along the three principal axes of the molecule. With sufficient isotopic substitutions, it is then possible to determine highly accurate molecular structures, that is, with bond lengths to an uncertainty on the order of 0.010 !. When the experimental rotational constants are corrected for zero-point vibrational effects, it is possible to derive bond lengths to even higher accuracy, on the order of # 0.001 ! or better. The experimental investigations presented herein were guided by highlevel coupled-cluster calculations at the same level of theory as that reported recently for silanethione, H2SiS. Details concerning the approach used to treat electron-correlation and basis-set effects in quantum-chemical calculations in a quantitative manner are given below and can also be found in Ref. [14]. HPSi was produced in the gas phase through a discharge of silane and phosphine in neon and then detected at high[*] Dr. V. Lattanzi, Prof. P. Thaddeus, Dr. M. C. McCarthy Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 (USA) and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 (USA) Fax: (+1)617-495-7013 E-mail: Dr. S. Thorwirth I. Physikalisches Institut, Universit!t zu Kln 50937 Kln (Germany) and Max Planck Institut f#r Radioastronomie 53121 Bonn (Germany) Dr. D. T. Halfen, Prof. L. M. Ziurys Departments of Chemistry and Astronomy and Steward Observatory, University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 (USA) Dipl.-Chem. L. A. M#ck, Prof. Dr. J. Gauss Institut f#r Physikalische Chemie, Universit!t Mainz 55099 Mainz (Germany) Fax: (+49)6131-39-23895 E-mail: [**] Financial support for the work in Cambridge and Tucson is provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Center for Chemical Innovation (CCI) grant CHE 08-47919. D.T.H. is supported by a NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Post-doctoral Fellowship (AST 0602282). S.T. and J.G. gratefully acknowledge funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through grants TH1301/ 3-1 and GA370/5-1. L.A.M. is supported by a fellowship by the Graduate School of Excellence “MAINZ”. Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW under Angewandte Chemie
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