Verifiably encrypted signatures (VES) are encrypted signatures under a public key of a trusted third party. We can verify their validity without decryption. VES has useful applications such as online contract signing and optimistic fair exchange. We propose a VES scheme that is secure under the decisional linear (DLIN) assumption in the standard model. We also propose new obfuscators for encrypted signatures (ES) and encrypted VES (EVES) that are secure under the DLIN assumption. All previous VES schemes in the standard model are either secure under standard assumptions (such as the computational Diffie–Hellman assumption) with large verification (or secret) keys or secure under non-standard dynamic $$q$$ -type assumptions (such as the $$q$$ -strong Diffie–Hellman extraction assumption) with short verification keys. Our scheme is the first VES scheme with short verification (and secret) keys secure under the DLIN assumption (standard assumption). We construct new obfuscators for ES/EVES as byproducts of our new VES scheme. They are more efficient than previous obfuscators with respect to public key size. Previous obfuscators for EVES are secure under non-standard assumption and use zero-knowledge (ZK) proof systems and Fiat–Shamir heuristics to obtain non-interactive ZK, i.e., its security is considered in the random oracle model. Thus, our scheme also has an advantage with respect to assumptions and the security model. Our new obfuscator for ES is obtained from our new obfuscator for EVES.
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