Shannon's theory of zero-error communication is re-examined in the broader setting of using one classical channel to simulate another exactly, and in the presence of various resources that are all classes of non-signalling correlations: Shared randomness, shared entanglement and arbitrary non-signalling correlations. Specifically, when the channel being simulated is noiseless, this reduces to the zero-error capacity of the channel, assisted by the various classes of non-signalling correlations. When the resource channel is noiseless, it results in the "reverse" problem of simulating a noisy channel exactly by a noiseless one, assisted by correlations. In both cases, 'one-shot' separations between the power of the different assisting correlations are exhibited. The most striking result of this kind is that entanglement can assist in zero-error communication, in stark contrast to the standard setting of communicaton with asymptotically vanishing error in which entanglement does not help at all. In the asymptotic case, shared randomness is shown to be just as powerful as arbitrary non-signalling correlations for noisy channel simulation, which is not true for the asymptotic zero-error capacities. For assistance by arbitrary non-signalling correlations, linear programming formulas for capacity and simulation are derived, the former being equal (for channels with non-zero unassisted capacity) to the feedback-assisted zero-error capacity originally derived by Shannon to upper bound the unassisted zero-error capacity. Finally, a kind of reversibility between non-signalling-assisted capacity and simulation is observed, mirroring the famous "reverse Shannon theorem".
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