The present study examines the stability of an embankment of cohesive-frictional material placed over a purely cohesive stratum which is reinforced by means of uniformly spaced vertical granular cylindrical columns. By using the kinematic yield homogenization concept, the macroscopic yield strength envelope associated with the reinforced clay layer has been obtained numerically for different volumetric fractions of the granular column to the composite unit cell by using the semidefinite programming (SDP) technique. An upper bound approximation of the macroscopic yield criterion, using the least square method, is expressed as a summation of a number of convex ellipsoidal envelopes so that the solution for computing the stability factors for the embankment on granular column (in the presence of surcharge pressure) can be obtained later with the usage of the second order cone programming (SOCP) while performing the upper bound finite elements limit analysis. The methodology avoids the usage of any stress variable and the complete procedure has been clearly described and the associated code has been written in MATLAB. The study will be not only useful for designing embankments constructed over soft clay reinforced with granular columns but also for solving different geomechanics stability problems by using the homogenization based kinematic limit analysis approach.
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