LetRh be the quantumR-matrix corresponding to a Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum groupUh(G). Suppose a finite dimensional representationMh ofUh(G) is given. TheRh induces an operator onMh⊗2 andSh, its composition with the standard transposition, is the Yang-Baxter operator. It turns out that the spaceMh⊗2 admits the decompositionMh=⊕inJih whereJih are the eigensubspaces ofSh. Consider the quadratic algebras (Mh, Ehk) whereEhk=⊕i≠kJih. We prove that all (Mh,Ehk) are flat deformations of the quadratic algebras (V0,E0k). Let End(Mh;J1h, …,Jnh) be the quantum semigroup corresponding to this decomposition. Our second result is that this gives a flat deformation of the quantum semigroup End(M0;J1,0, …,Jn,0).