Dlx3 is a homeodomain transcription factor in vertebrates, related to Distal-less in Drosophila, that is expressed in differentiating epidermal cells, in neural crest, hair follicles, dental epithelium and mesenchyme, the otic and olfactory placodes, limb bud, placenta, and in the cement gland, which is located in the extreme anterior neural plate in Xenopus embryos. This factor behaves as a transcriptional activator, and positively regulates gene expression in the skin, and negatively regulates central nervous system markers in Xenopus epidermis and anterior neural plate. A mutation in the DLX3 gene is associated with a hereditary syndrome in humans, and loss of Dlx3 function is a developmental lethal in gene-targeted mice, where it is essential for proper modeling of the labyrinthine layer of the placenta. In this review, we discuss the evolution, expression, regulation, and function of Dlx3 in mouse, amphibians, and zebrafish. Published 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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