Fan [8] proved a very interesting theorem which provides a tool to study xed point theory in connection with best approximation. Various aspects of that theorem have been studied by Fan [9], Ha [10], Singh and Watson [22], Lin [14], Lin and Yen [16] and many others. Fan’s theorem has been of great importance in nonlinear analysis, approximation theory, game theory and minimax theorems. The study of random approximations and random xed points have been a very active area of research in probabilistic functional analysis in the last decade (see Sehgal and Waters [21], Sehgal and Singh [20], Papageorgiou [18], Lin [15], Xu [25], Tan and Yuan [23, 24] and Beg and Shahzad [1–4]). Most random xed point theorems in Banach spaces deal with condensing or nonexpansive random operators. What about the random operators which are neither of the above cases?. The interesting case would be a 1-set-contractive random operator. The class of 1-set-contractive random operators includes condensing and nonexpansive random operators. Besides, it also includes other important random operators such as semicontractive random operators and LANE [locally almost nonexpansive] random operators. Recently, Beg and Shahzad [3] studied these random operators in details and gave many results regarding random approximations and random
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