Solutions of the sine-Poisson equation are used to construct a class of isothermal magnetostatic atmospheres, with one ignorable coordinate corresponding to a uniform gravitational field in a plane geometry. The distributed current in the model j is directed along the x-axis, where x is the horizontal ignorable coordinate. The current j varies as the sine of the magnetostatic potential and falls off exponentially with distance vertical to the base with an e-folding distance equal to the gravitational scale height. We investigate in detail solutions for the magnetostatic potential A corresponding to the one-soliton, two soliton, and breather solutions of the sine-Gordon equation. Depending on the values of the free parameters in the soliton solutions, horizontally, periodic magnetostatic structures are obtained possessing either (a) a single X-type neutral point, (b) multiple neutral X-points, or (c) solutions without X-points. The solution cases (b) and (c) contain two families of intersecting current sheets, in which the line of intersection forms flux concentration points (or singularities) for the magnetic field. The solutions illustrate the contribution of the anisotropic J × B force (B, magnetic field induction), the gravitational force, and the gas pressure gradient to the force balance.