Inter-residue pair contacts have been analyzed in detail for the four pairs of protein structures determined both by X-ray analysis (X-ray) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). At contact distances < or = 4.0 angstroms in the four NMR structures the overall number of pair contacts are less by 4-9% and pair contacts are in average shorter by 0.02-0.16 angstroms than those in corresponding X-ray structures. In each of four structure pairs 83-94% of common pair contacts are formed by the same residues in both structures and rest 6-17% ones are longer own pair contacts formed by the different residues in the NMR and X-ray structures. The amount of the longer own contacts is higher in the X-ray structure of the pair. In the each NMR structure there are three types of common pair contacts, which are shorter, longer or equal length in comparison with identical pair contacts in the X-ray structure of the same protein. The methodological different shortened common pair contacts predominate in the known distant dependence of the inter-residue contact densities of the 60-61 pair of the NMR/X-ray structure. Among four pairs analyzed the contact shortening proceeds upon the energy minimization of the crambin NMR structure and upon the resolving by the program X-PLOR with decreased atom van der Waals radius of the NMR structures of ubiquitin, hen lysozyme and monomeric hemoglobin. An extent of the NMR contact shortening decreased as the amount of NMR information upon the calculation of the NMR structures increased. Among 60-61 pairs of NMR/X-ray structures the main difference between alpha-helical and beta-structural proteins on the inter-residue distant dependence of the average contact densities arises from the strong alpha/beta difference in the local backbone geometry.
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