Located at the Tunisian Atlas area, the Quaternary basin of Borj Edouane-El Gara could serve as a good example for close relation between the continental infill and the neotectonic morphostructural pattern. This Quaternary basin is superimposed on pre-Quaternary basement rocks in the form of an active negative flower structure in a divergent wrench fault zone. The neotectonic evolution of the region has been guided by the plate convergence system. During the Middle-Late Pleistocene, subsidence took locally place in a transtensional deformation zone essentially controlled by strike-slip faults. Closely linked to N–S synthetic and NW-SE antithetic faults, the internal structure of this basin is controlled by a rotational scissor-like kinematics. These faults sets represent inherited structures with normal and lateral components producing a downward rotation of the northern part and an upward rotation of the southern one of the basin. Paleostress analysis shows a progressive change from transtensional in the North to transpressional and compressional deformation toward the Southern corner of the basin where the main synthetic and antithetic faults overlap. During the Holocene, the reactivation of the inherited faulting system has caused the landscape rejuvenation, the basin chopping and the present drainage network architecture. The rates of active tectonics in the Borj Edouane-El Gara Basin has been interpreted through a detailed morphotectonic study of the fault-generated mountain fronts and fluvial systems.
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