This paper investigates how the object-oriented modelling technique can be applied to simulate the worm gear set design procedure, man-ufacturing process, and tooth contact analysis (TCA). An abstract worm base class containing some basic worm dimensions is constructed, and then an abstract worm gear class is derived from the worm class. Based on the developed abstract worm and worm gear classes, classes for the ZN-type, ZE-type, and ZK-type worm and worm gear can be generated. By exploiting object-oriented technique, the authors also develop a TCA program to simulate all possible worm gear set combinations. Finally, the TCA for any type worm and worm gear combination can be simulated by suitably setting worm and worm gear objects into the TCA program. The operating system Windows 95 is the designated platform and Visual C++ 4.0 is the implementation language.